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I fear in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+3Posted:2018-09-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: life-and-deathfearafeardfear forfor fearfearfulsafe areafearsome
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31. I fear he is truly an idiot.
32. Lastly, I fear I may have to disappoint you when I say that the coin is more interesting than valuable.
33. Maybe I was too young because I fear I was not an assiduous student.
34. It would be nice if the two approaches met, but I fear this is true only in the simplest cases.
35. I fear, however, that Woodward's vocation would have been better exercised if he had confined himself to hospital portering.
36. Do I fear for her chances of making another match?
37. I fear we may be in danger of knowing the price of everything but failing to appreciate its true value.
38. This situation is extremely annoying, though. I fear Lumley may need replacing.
39. I fear that from becoming perhaps a local nuisance he will become a pest.
40. Male speaker I fear for Birmingham with this madman let loose, wandering around the streets frightening the children.
41. I fear, I strongly suspect, that this is the route to blowing yourself away.
42. To this day, I fear the crowds on planes more than the fanatics who might want to shoot down those crowds.
43. I fear that if you send more letters to the theatre Mrs Seale will notice the pug and will tell Papa.
44. I fear your quaint down-home speech is wasted on me, my friend.
45. I presume you wish to help underdeveloped countries but I fear you could do them considerable harm.
46. I fear he is not in such sound health as you may think, my lord.
46. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
47. I had occasion, I fear, to slipper the lad only last week.
48. She realizes that, though I fear it as she does, I am as drawn to danger as my father.
49. Not as catatonic as the viewers at home, I fear.
50. I know that the Minister is a fair-minded man and I fear very much for his future.
51. I fear we are at a parting of the ways.
52. But were I marking his inaugural effort for its calm sobriety, I fear my assessment would be beta minus.
53. I fear I have not been very successful, in any case.
54. But I fear that when she passes through the phalanx of middle school and puberty, that may change.
55. As I love the name of honour more than I fear death. William Shakespeare 
56. Mr. Waldegrave I fear that on health, as on other issues, that is all too true.
57. I fear that, if we do not do that, we will not put the Territorial Army on a proper basis.
58. And I fear for the darkness as four Justices anxiously await the single vote necessary to extinguish the light.
59. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
60. But I fear we are now being pulled apart - by commercial pressures and by the changes forced upon the broadcasting environment.
More similar words: life-and-deathfearafeardfear forfor fearfearfulsafe areafearsomefearlessfor fear offearfullyfearlesslyfearsomelygod-fearinga matter of life and deathfearfulnessfall on deaf earsfeature articleturn a deaf ear towithout fear or favourfor dear lifefearlessnesswear and tearnear and dearlearn by heartheart-searchingto learn by heartfeatfeatherfeast
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